Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

How to grow homegrown potatoes for Christmas

Plan ahead and plant some Christmas cropping potatoes now for your festive feast, says Jean Vernon Growing your own food is a wonderful way to connect with nature, nutrition and your own well-being. There’s little more healthy than harvesting fresh, homegrown produce from your own garden, especially if it’s organic and free from toxic pesticides. […]

Written in United States

Edibles Among the Ornamentals—why not?

Looking for a spot in your garden to grow more edibles in this stay-at-home summer? But maybe you don’t want to tear up more lawn or build raised beds. So, consider planting fruits and vegetables in the existing ornamental borders around your home, where the soil is already turned, mulch may be down, and weeds, […]

Written in United Kingdom

Grow super early fruits

Your greenhouse can increase your GYO production in so many ways. Naturally one’s most often used for starting plants off earlier and in summer most greenhouses are filled with tender annual crops. Recently they’re becoming utilised for growing salads and other leafy crops almost year round. Of course the frost free greenhouse was actually effectively […]

Written in United States

Greenhouse Tables and Work Benches

For some greenhouse owners finding space for potted plants can be difficult. Shelving attached to the greenhouse structure can usually only support a few small plants. It is not recommended that you attach shelves to the structure. Many greenhouse structures are designed to support the glazing and to resist wind loads rather than carry heavy […]