Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United States

Extreme Container Gardening – Christina Salwitz Tells How

This month you may be bringing along your container plants in the greenhouse or choosing them at nurseries. But not all outdoor locations are ideal for planting in pots, so I’m turning to Christina Salwitz for advice. She’s known as The Personal Garden Coach, as well as a horticulturist, garden designer, photographer, and co-author of […]

Written in United States

The Garden Takes Wing with Cyclamen

Clocks may have had to spring forward but winter is still with us, yet that hasn’t stopped bulbs pushing their noses up through the compost, to remind us that underneath the soil there’s a garden waiting to bloom.  Among the first to make their appearance in garden are two tiny tubers of Cyclamen hederifolium. Planted […]