Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

March means seed sowing and re-potting!

What a dreadfully wet winter weā€™re having. I hope that you arenā€™t suffering too much from the incessant rain from one of the wettest winterā€™s on record and your garden isnā€™t too waterlogged, either. Rather than letting the rainwater from the water butts on your greenhouse go to waste, water parts of your garden that […]

Written in United States

At Home with Houseplants

Havenā€™t you always made a practice of sharing your plants with friends or rooted extra cuttings to sell in support of your favorite organization? My windowsill cum greenhouse seems to always have a cutting or five on the go. And itā€™s how Iā€™ve obtained ā€œsomething specialā€ from friends throughout my gardening lifeā€”especially houseplants.Ā  Books have […]

Written in United Kingdom


– GREENHOUSE & GLASSHOUSE MANUFACTURER HARTLEY BOTANIC PROVIDES SOME HANDY SPRING PREPARATION GREENHOUSE GROWING TIPS – Historic Greenhouse and Glasshouse manufacturer Hartley Botanic has been helping its customers make the most out of their beautiful, handmade structures for over 80 years. Founded in 1938, the company is one of Britainā€™s oldest and most trusted Greenhouse […]

Written in United Kingdom

Can I grow my own Peanuts?

Whether you are vegan looking for homegrown plant protein, or want to get the kids interested in plants ā€“ Peanuts may be the answer Iā€™ve always been fascinated by peanuts. And Iā€™ve tried a few times to grow my own. The trouble has been getting viable seed, or basically peanuts that havenā€™t been roasted, irradiated […]

Written in United States

Do You Want to Buy a Greenhouse?

After twenty years or so of giving talks and lectures about greenhouses and plants, I have found that there are a few questions that potential owners often ask. Probably the most common question is, ā€˜How large a greenhouse should I buy?ā€™ If the questioner is an experienced gardener, my answer is, ā€œBuy the largest greenhouse […]

Written in United Kingdom

Trimming and tidying ahead of spring

One of the first tasks of my greenhouse year is to start waking up those plants that have been tucked away in them all winter. Mine being an unheated greenhouse, my overwintering is only of plants that have some level of hardiness already, plants such as pelargoniums, aeoniums and other succulents that would even survive […]

Written in United States

Just Say No to Flower Foamā€”Debra Prinzing tells why

A few weeks ago, Debra Prinzing and I met up when we were both speaking at the Good Earth Home and Garden Show in Eugene, Oregon. Debraā€™s the founder of SlowFlowers.com and producer and host of the Slow Flowers weekly podcast, whose main message is to buy your flowers locally and sustainably. But this time […]