Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

Spider lilies and Peruvian Daffodils

You need a heated greenhouse or conservatory where the temperature never drops below 20°C/70°F to safely grow these rare bulbous plants known in Latin as Hymenocallis. Very closely related to Amaryllis (note the similar strap like leaves) these are amongst the most beautiful of flowers carrying a heavy vanilla perfume to add to their pristine […]

Written in United Kingdom

August – it’s time to boost your buds and baskets.

From mid-summer until November, rhododendrons and camellias are forming flower buds for next year’s display, so it’s essential that the compost or soil around them doesn’t dry out at any point, if it does they simply won’t form buds or will demonstrate their disapproval by shedding the ones that have already formed. Check your plants […]

Written in United Kingdom

David Domoney presents green-fingered school with £4,000 greenhouse for getting their grown-ups growing

TV presenter David Domoney yesterday presented Cranberry Academy, Alsager with a stunning Hartley Botanic greenhouse worth £4,000 for its fantastic effort during the fourth annual national ‘Get Your Grown-ups Growing’ initiative hosted by the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening. The Cheshire-based academy devoted an entire week to a Get Your Grown-ups Growing […]

Written in United Kingdom

Raymond Blanc to launch new glass house at RHS Chelsea 2014

Raymond Blanc OBE is proud to ‘open’ the Hartley Botanic Westminster Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show Stand TR1 On Monday 19 May, Raymond Blanc OBE will join his friends from Hartley Botanic to officially open their garden at the Chelsea Flower Show, Stand TR1. The highlight of the garden will be a showcase of […]