Hartley Magazine

Greenhouse growing

Month by month

As seen in Gardens Illustrated A new guide on the 1st of every month

Written in United Kingdom

Growing Tips for Beginners: Greenhouse Gardening 101

Growing Tips for Beginners: Greenhouse Gardening 101 The Romans were recorded as the first to create greenhouses, specifically growing cucumbers for Emperor Tiberius. There are early Korean records of greenhouses being used to grow flowers and force vegetables by 1438, and the Chinese grew mandarin trees indoors – the first ‘greene’ houses. In 1663,  the […]

Written in United Kingdom

What to do in the glasshouse on Christmas day.

Damp, still air in the greenhouse causes grey mould, particularly on damp leaves or soft tissue like cyclamen flowers. It is less of a problem with good air circulation, so open greenhouse slightly vents on mild sunny days, shutting them before temperatures drop, early in the afternoon and avoid chilling draughts, (the lack of frost […]

Written in United Kingdom

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Winter Vegetables

With winter approaching it’s time to take another look at your garden and greenhouse to see what edibles you can grow and harvest in winter Gardening as a beginner can be very daunting without some expert guidance. Spring and summer are the natural time to sow, grow and harvest fruit and vegetables. But, with winter […]

Written in United Kingdom

August, a time to sow.

Sow Fennel, oriental vegetables like mizuna greens and Pak Choi, rocket, coriander dill, spinach, claytonia and land cress, in modules as soon as you can in August. These will germinate quickly and can be planted out by mid-August for cropping in Autumn. Continue sowing ‘cut and come again’ crops like mixed herbs, in pots, greenhouse […]

Written in United Kingdom

May means sowing, growing and ‘hardening off’.

Now’s the time to sow outdoor cucumber like ‘Marketmore’, marrow, squashes, pumpkins (vertically on edge, not laid flat like a surf board) individually in 7.5cm pots plus French and Runner beans and Sweetcorn in gentle heat in peat substitute seed compost or sieved multipurpose compost in a propagator, ready for planting out once the danger […]

Written in United Kingdom

March means seed sowing and re-potting!

What a dreadfully wet winter we’re having. I hope that you aren’t suffering too much from the incessant rain from one of the wettest winter’s on record and your garden isn’t too waterlogged, either. Rather than letting the rainwater from the water butts on your greenhouse go to waste, water parts of your garden that […]

Written in United Kingdom

Sowing indoors to beat the weather.

From early February onwards, it’s time to sprout (or ‘chit’) new potatoes. Put them in a tray or egg box with the ‘rose’ end, upwards (where all the buds or ‘eye’s’ are clustered), at about 7C (45F). After four to five weeks the shoots should be about 5cm (2”) long and they will be ready […]