Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

Ornamental grasses’ so on trend and here’s one with a twist

Sweet corn’s not your commonest greenhouse crop but one that benefits hugely, and has imposing foliage. Now the sweetness is the essence of good sweet corn, and is continually reducing from the moment the cob’s picked. If you’ve grown your own you’ll know, cobs from shops or even roadside stalls are never ever as sweet. […]

Written in United Kingdom

My Greenhouse and Climate Change

It’s the most exciting time of all in the garden, because everything’s responding to longer days and warmer temperatures. My Hartley greenhouse is a hive of activity because it’s full of seeds about to spring into life. It may be unheated, but it warms up brilliantly well on spring-like days and that encourages earlier germination. […]

Written in United Kingdom

How can I use my winter greenhouse to help pollinators?

Helping pollinators is a bit of a buzz phrase at the moment, but even in the midst of winter you can find ways to use your greenhouse to help them. You might think that in the middle of winter there wasn’t much you can do to help pollinators, but you would be wrong. Our greenhouses […]

Written in United Kingdom

Fantastic foliage from a cocoyam?

Surprisingly there are several tropical root-crop plants well suited to frost free or better warm glasshouses. Probably the best value are Colocasias as many of the same family are already valued glasshouse specimens. Sold in Ethnic shops and some supermarkets these are known as Cocoyams in Africa, Taro in the Far East, Dasheen or Eddoes […]