Hartley Magazine

All the latest news, hints, tips and advice from our experts

Written in United Kingdom

What’s the difference between Compost and compost?

Are you confused about compost? Jean Vernon unravels the mystery If you watched the ITV documentary last month about garden centres, you could be forgiven for being confused about compost. In fact compost is one of the most misunderstood subjects in gardening and that’s mostly because of what we call it. There are two totally […]

Written in United Kingdom

Frangipani; marzipan, vanilla, honey and jasmine

Ideally you need a warm sunny greenhouse for Plumeria to thrive for if you keep these happy they’ll reward you with months of the most delicious blooms each so heavily perfumed you almost want to eat them (please don’t, they’re likely poisonous). Their common name Frangipani was taken from an Italian Renaissance nobleman who blended […]

Written in United Kingdom

Time to harvest and sow

Aubergines and tomatoes that have finished cropping, as some of mine have, can be composted, creating more space in the greenhouse border and between pots on the bench, admitting more sunlight and improving air circulation around the plants that remain. Early in the month, remove individual leaves around aubergines, peppers and cucumbers and continue feeding […]

Written in United Kingdom

Oleanders are not Olives

A classic greenhouse and conservatory flowering shrub Nerium oleander has adorned gardens in its native Mediterranean since Classical times. First noted as ‘introduced’ here in the sixteenth century Neriums became popular in early glasshouses for their very long flowering period. More so when they found Oleanders will force out of season. Thus Neriums soon became […]

Written in United Kingdom

Blossom end rot – problem solved

Blossom End Rot, where the end of tomatoes becomes circular, black and flattened, occurs in peppers and aubergines, squashes and watermelons but is most often seen in tomatoes. It is caused by lack of calcium in the fruits. Plants in soil, growing bags and potting composts rarely lack a supply of calcium but what they […]